Zubin - Craft Based Product Development

From the cool afternoons on hot summer days to the simple joy of sitting cross-legged and eating food on dried leaves, these moments create vivid and unforgettable memories from my childhood. The city's absence of such serene simplicity often stirs nostalgic reflections of those golden days. A recent visit to Maheshwar becomes a poignant journey, strolling through narrow lanes and encountering mud houses instantly transporting back to that cherished past. The interiors, the textured mud-layered walls, and even the aroma of rain-kissed soil evoked vivid memories of my village. Tears well up at the heartfelt gesture of serving a meal on a dried leaf plate, evoking a purity of the bygone days.

Today's bustling world is characterized by technology, fast-paced living, and the rush to follow trends, however, our true happiness lies in the simplicity of life experienced during those times. Nevertheless, embracing and adapting to the present moment is all we can do.

This collection draws inspiration from modern and stylized silhouettes. The textures of eco printing pay homage to the timeless delight of the meals served on a nature's canvas."
Final Product
Zubin - Craft Based Product Development